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GENERAL RECRUITMENT – STATE WIDE CATEGORY NO: 369/2024. Applications are invited Online through One Time Registration from qualified candidates for appointment in the post of Assistant Professor in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery in the Medical Education Department. Candidates should register as per One Time Registration through the Kerala Public Service Commission's official website. |
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Name of Post: Assistant Professor in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. |
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Department: Medical Education. |
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Scale of Pay: As per UGC norms. |
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Number of Vacancies: 01 (One). The Ranked list of selected candidates shall remain in force for a minimum period of one year or until a new list is published, not exceeding three years. 4% of vacancies reserved for Differently Abled candidates as per GO(P) No. 5/2023/SJD dated 01.10.2023. |
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Method of Appointment: Direct Recruitment. |
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Age Limit: 22-45; Candidates born between 02.01.1979 and 01.01.2002 (inclusive) are eligible. Usual age relaxation applies to OBC/SC/ST. |
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Qualifications: 1. M.Ch/DNB in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 2. Permanent Registration under Kerala State Medical Council (TCMC)/Council for Modern Medicine. Additional equivalent qualifications recognized by Government orders will suffice. |
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Mode of Application: Candidates must register with the official website (www.keralapsc.gov.in) under 'One Time Registration'. No application fee. Ensure correctness of information and keep a printout for reference. Corrections made after the deadline will not reflect in the application. |
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Special Instructions: Candidates should read Part II General Conditions before applying. Discrepancies in caste/community claims must be supported by relevant documents. Misrepresentations may lead to disqualification or disciplinary action as per Rule 22 of KPSC Rules. |
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Last Date for Applications: 04.12.2024 (Wednesday, up to 12 Midnight). |